Who do you think you are to judge my life. You know my name, not my story. You've heard what I've done, not what I've been through.
Friendship ::: Western vs Eastern
Cross Cultural Understanding Essay
FRIENDSHIP (499 words)
Friendship is a relationship between two or more people who hold
mutual affection for each other. Friendship can be in the same or different
age, gender, status and environment. The term friend and friendship is
perceived differently in Indonesia and in Western countries. For example in
Western countries the term friend can be used to say someone whom
we have recently met in a party and enjoyed the time together. On the contrary,
in Indonesia people need to have intimate relationship to call someone as our
In indonesia, friendship is tend to be more dependent. Many people have their own group called friendship. There are two or more people in a group. The members usually come from same age, same gender and same interest. The intimacy among members is closer. They spend much time in group and share almost all topics. The members of the group feel loyal to their group. They treat the member of the group differently and do not ( difficult ) to accept new member. Mostly, friendship in Indonesia lasts longer and more personal.
Friendship in the Western countries is mostly pursued for pleasure. People tend to make friends with others whom they like, often people who share similar interests with them or who have been in the same organization such as workplace, club, etc. They prioritize self-concerns and interests and play a more social and casual role. They are also considered voluntary, unconstrained and spontaneous relationships with reciprocated warm and caring feelings.
In Western countries, friendship tend to be more independent because they have an individualistic culture. In individualistic cultures, “being a friend” may indicate someone whom we have recently met, enjoying good time together, or someone we have mutual dealings with. People in Western are more open toward new friendship and tend to have many friends in low intimacy. People can have more than one friend and usually grade them based on intimacy. There are four distinct levels of friendships. They are acquaintances, casual friends, good friends, and best friends.
Friendship in Western talk more about topics such as marriage, love or dating, and emotions. They are also talk about sex and similar interests. People in the Western countries do sometimes cultivate friendships in order to help their career or their business. This such friendships tend to be viewed as quite shallow and not seen as ‘real’ friendships.
In indonesia, friendship is tend to be more dependent. Many people have their own group called friendship. There are two or more people in a group. The members usually come from same age, same gender and same interest. The intimacy among members is closer. They spend much time in group and share almost all topics. The members of the group feel loyal to their group. They treat the member of the group differently and do not ( difficult ) to accept new member. Mostly, friendship in Indonesia lasts longer and more personal.
Friendship in the Western countries is mostly pursued for pleasure. People tend to make friends with others whom they like, often people who share similar interests with them or who have been in the same organization such as workplace, club, etc. They prioritize self-concerns and interests and play a more social and casual role. They are also considered voluntary, unconstrained and spontaneous relationships with reciprocated warm and caring feelings.
In Western countries, friendship tend to be more independent because they have an individualistic culture. In individualistic cultures, “being a friend” may indicate someone whom we have recently met, enjoying good time together, or someone we have mutual dealings with. People in Western are more open toward new friendship and tend to have many friends in low intimacy. People can have more than one friend and usually grade them based on intimacy. There are four distinct levels of friendships. They are acquaintances, casual friends, good friends, and best friends.
Friendship in Western talk more about topics such as marriage, love or dating, and emotions. They are also talk about sex and similar interests. People in the Western countries do sometimes cultivate friendships in order to help their career or their business. This such friendships tend to be viewed as quite shallow and not seen as ‘real’ friendships.
Friendship in Western matches the value of individualism, independence and respect. All differences beteween people such as gender, age and status become not so important when people share their similarities in a relation called friendship.
In every country, the term friendship is slightly different. The people who build friendship is also different. The reason to build friendship, the grade of intimacy, the topics we share to friends and the values of its are also different.
Kim, Chi-Yue Chiu, Siqing Peng, Huajian Cai and William TovJournal of Cross-
Psychology, CUP: Sagecup, 2010
Chen & Masato Nakazawa, Journal of Intercultural Communication
Research, 2012
acceesed 26 March 2013
http://www.thewomaninchina.com/friendship-between-western-people.html accesed 26 March 2013
teenager, adult
teenager, adult
Tetangga, kenalan,
kawan, teman, sahabat,
casual friend, good friend, best friend, room-mate friend, partner
Everytime ( most
of the time)
clubbing, walking at the park
Everywhere ( at
the school, colleges, workplace etc )
in special places
such as park, night club,
for personal
purpose, dependent, high intimacy, share almost all topics, hard to accept
new friend, trustwothy, loyality
for pleasure
purpose, independent / individualistics, low intimacy, share limited topics,
open to accept new friend, not too reliable.
Today, i wanna make a review about vocabsushi. I found this site yesterday and tried it. According to me, VocabSushi a helpful tool for improving students' vocabulary. It provides many tests for many purposes such as TOEFL etc and also based on our grade such us for middle school and college.
Using Vocabsushi to build our vocabulary is very interesting because it uses the real sentences from classic literature in the tests. Not only improving our vocabulary, we also get new knowledge from the sentences.
This is the appearance of the site :
This is the example of the tests :
When we've finished the tests, we will get our score soon. According to me, this site is very helpful and i will continue using this site as exercise to build my skill.
zaman memang telah berubah
Hari ini, aku buru-buru menyelesaikan tugas rumah mulai dari memasak, mencuci piring, membersihkan rumah dan merapikan kamar tidur. Biasanya hari minggu seperti ini, sepanjang pagi kuhabiskan di kamar, bermalas-malasan sambil sesekali update status facebook. Akan tetapi hari ini berbeda karena aku tiba-tiba ingat dengan sms teman sekampus tadi malam yang berisi tentang tugas kuliah. Tugasnya tentang blog. Dan mau tak mau aku harus ke warnet - berhubung tak punya laptop sendiri.
Selesai mengurus rumah, aku buru-buru mandi, bersiap-siap dan langsung pergi ke warnet. Asumsiku, hari minggu, apalagi masih pagi, warnet pasti masih sepi. Dan wallllaaaaa... apa yang aku temukan? Sekitar 20an anak SD lagi antri di warnet yang jumlah komputernya cuma 10. Jadi masing-masing komputer sudah dibooking paling enggak 2 anak. kapan aku kebagian cobaa???
Tapi dari pada pulang ke rumah, bengong sendiri, aku memutuskan untuk menunggu dan duduk di samping anak-anak yang lagi seru-serunya 'bercengkerema' dengan komputer mereka. Pada awalnya aku duduk sambil asyik dengan ponselku. Tapi lama-lama aku tertarik dengan kegiatan seorang anak di sebelahku.
Seorang anak perempuan, umurnya kira-kira 9-10 tahun, sangat seru dengan permainan bongkar pasang pakaian sebuah boneka barbie. Dia dengan mahir mengganti-ganti baju, menata rambut, memasang make up, memilih sepatu sampai si barbie kelihatan sangat modis. Aku intip seorang temannya di komputer lain, sangat serius memainkan game petualangan, memilih senjata, membunuh musuh sambil sesekali mengeluarkan kata-kata kurang pantas.
Beberapa anak lain juga terlihat sangat menikmati aktivitas mereka masing-masing di layar komputer. Ada beberapa anak perempuan yang cekikikan chat di facebook. Ada yang browsing foto-foto girlband dan boyband. Dan yang membuatku syok adalah ada seorang anak yang dengan pede nya bernyanyi :' ABG tuaaa, tingkahmu semakin gilaaaaaaaa'. wahh
Aku pun teringat masa kecilku. Pada saat aku masih SD, hari sabtu dan minggu adalah hari yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh semua anak-anak. Selain karena mendapat jajan lebih pada hari sabtu (pada saat itu jajan hari sabtuku 500 rupiah yang sudah bisa membuat perut super duper kenyang), juga karena kesempatan untuk bermain sepuasnya telah tiba.
Hari sabtu sepulang sekolah, setelah memasukkan kaus kaki dan pakaian sekolah yang kotor ke ember cuci (yang mencuci adalah mamaku), mencuci sendiri sepatu sekolah dan makan siang, merupakan saat yang ditunggu. Aku bersama teman sekolah yang juga tetanggaku akan bermain sepuasnya. Permainannya sangat beragam. Biasanya sih ada musimnya. Misalnya : musim main karet gelang, musim main yoyo, musim main mobil-mobilan kayu, musim main kartu, musim main kelereng, musim main gasing, musim main bongkar pasang dll. Tiap anak biasanya memiliki properti semua permainan itu dan jika musim satu permainan telah berakhir propertinya akan disimpan untuk musim berikutnya. Misalnya jika musim gasing udah habis, gasingnya disimpan, ntar kalo gasing udah in lagi baru dikeluarkan.
Aku juga masih ingat, ayahku seringkali membuatkan properti permainan itu bersama abang dan adik laki-lakiku. Ada mobil-mobilan dari kayu, mobil-mobilan dari kaleng susu, gasing dari kayu, layang-layang. Sungguh masa kecil yang indah karena bermain tidak sekedar menyenangkan hati pribadi tetapi mendekatkan persaudaraan. Saat bermain ada saja yang berakhir dengan pertengkaran hanya karena kalah menang. Tetapi setelah itu berbaikan lagi, bertengkar lagi, lagi, lagi.... Dan itulah yang membuat persahabatan menjadi semakin akrab.
Saat ku lihat sekumpulan anak-anak di warnet pagi ini, aku bertanya-tanya, apakah mereka tau apa itu gasing??? Kurasa tidak. Karena pada hari minggu mereka berkumpul di warnet : main game online. Bagaimana mungkin mereka lebih bahagia memainkan tokoh fiktif untuk bermain bola dari pada menggunakan kaki mereka sendiri untuk menendang bola tersebut. yaaaa... zaman memang telah berubah.
Karena penasaran, aku pun browse gambar permainan masa kecil itu di internet, sekedar mengingatkan masa kecil. Dan ini dia ....
Masih adakah yang memainkan ini???
Benci - Utopia
Haruskah aku mencintanya
Bila hanya berikan duka
Sepertinya aku bahagia
Satu sisi aku menangis
Aku pernah sangat berharga
Semua mata memujaku
Sampai kau datang dalam hidupku
Segalanya berubah
Kau mengambil hatiku
Jadikannya kelabu
Kau menghancurkan semua impian yang tersimpan sejak dulu
Kau racuni cintaku
Hingga menjadi benci
Tak lelah aku setia
Tersiksa sendiri
Betapa inginku berlari
Dan terlepas dari dirimu
Tapi semakin ku mencoba
Aku ingin kembali
Back to Reff:
Kau mengambil hatiku
Jadikannya kelabu
Kau hancurkan
Segala impian
Bila hanya berikan duka
Sepertinya aku bahagia
Satu sisi aku menangis
Aku pernah sangat berharga
Semua mata memujaku
Sampai kau datang dalam hidupku
Segalanya berubah
Kau mengambil hatiku
Jadikannya kelabu
Kau menghancurkan semua impian yang tersimpan sejak dulu
Kau racuni cintaku
Hingga menjadi benci
Tak lelah aku setia
Tersiksa sendiri
Betapa inginku berlari
Dan terlepas dari dirimu
Tapi semakin ku mencoba
Aku ingin kembali
Back to Reff:
Kau mengambil hatiku
Jadikannya kelabu
Kau hancurkan
Segala impian
http://www.english-at-home.com/ and http://www.nonstopenglish.com
Learning English by using sites is very interesting. Learners can find many sites in internet. There are many choices in internet.
Today, i wanna give a review about my favorite site. The address is http://www.english-at-home.com. This site provides speaking skill, reading skill, games, quizzes, etc.
The appearance of this site is so simple and also easy to be used. Learner from all level can use this site as their reference.
This is the example of the appearance of the site :
This is the example of the appearance of the site :
My other favorite site is http://www.nonstopenglish.com. This site provides many interactive tests about English grammar and vocabulary skills. We can choose the test based on our level. There are various exercises for beginner to advanced learners. In this site, we can evaluate our skill and get our score soon as we finish the test. This site is very helpful for people who are interested in learning English.
This is the appearance of the site :
This is the appearance of the site :
CALL - Task 1
1. Sites for "Listening Skill"
2. Sites for "Reading Skill"
3. Sites for "Writing Skill"
4. Sites for "Speaking Skill"
2. Sites for "Reading Skill"
3. Sites for "Writing Skill"
4. Sites for "Speaking Skill"
di kampus berkutat dengan kamus, jurnal, presentasi dan laptop. berdandan ala mahasiswa intelektual tapi tetap fashionable.
di rumah berkutat dengan piring, kompor dan peralatan masak, menghadapi tumpukan cucian kotor, dan debu di lantai. berdandan ala ibu muda dengan ikatan celemek dan sapu ajaib sambil mengurus sang putri semata wayang.
seorang wanita yang pernah menyesal tapi tidak meratapi. yang pernah bersalah tapi tak ingin larut. yang pernah jatuh tapi selalu ingin bangkit.
seorang wanita dengan multi-peran, anak manja yang telah jadi ibu muda, istri yang bawel sekaligus kakak yang rewel, dan masih jadi mahasiswa yang tiap malam bermimpi memakai toga dengan kebaya hijau muda.
saya nina, bukan teman yang ramah yang pandai berbasa-basi. saya nina, yang blak2an dan tak suka bertele2. saya 'agak' emosional, gampang marah, gampang menangis.
saya fikir saya memang lumayan pintar, tapi jujur saya bukan orang yang pandai mengambil peluang.
ya...saya hanya saya dengan kekurangan dan kelebihan saya...
di rumah berkutat dengan piring, kompor dan peralatan masak, menghadapi tumpukan cucian kotor, dan debu di lantai. berdandan ala ibu muda dengan ikatan celemek dan sapu ajaib sambil mengurus sang putri semata wayang.
seorang wanita yang pernah menyesal tapi tidak meratapi. yang pernah bersalah tapi tak ingin larut. yang pernah jatuh tapi selalu ingin bangkit.
seorang wanita dengan multi-peran, anak manja yang telah jadi ibu muda, istri yang bawel sekaligus kakak yang rewel, dan masih jadi mahasiswa yang tiap malam bermimpi memakai toga dengan kebaya hijau muda.
saya nina, bukan teman yang ramah yang pandai berbasa-basi. saya nina, yang blak2an dan tak suka bertele2. saya 'agak' emosional, gampang marah, gampang menangis.
saya fikir saya memang lumayan pintar, tapi jujur saya bukan orang yang pandai mengambil peluang.
ya...saya hanya saya dengan kekurangan dan kelebihan saya...
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